9. Power Imbalances and Trust Positions

JTC Staffing Solutions is committed to its core principles and thus maintains resident care and protection as the highest priority.

In caregiver-resident relationships, we understand that a power disparity exists; caregivers are perceived to be in a position of power and confidence, with residents having less power as they are often without defenses and can rely on nurses and personal support staff to meet basic needs. It is your duty, as caregivers, to be mindful of these possible imbalances as it can place residents in a vulnerable position.

It is often the duty of the workers to uphold the security of the border with residents and members of their families. In the caregiver-resident relationship, the proper use of power ensures that the interests of the resident are paramount and the well-being and rights of the resident are secured.

JTC Staffing Solutions workers should adhere to the following four main values, which include a basis for procedures in our contracted long-term care homes that facilitate equal, compassionate and respectful treatment of vulnerable populations:


  • Equal and Fair treatment of all residents/co-workers
  • Respect for the rights of others
  • Respect for the law


  • Advocate for and respect an individual’s right to make their own decisions
  • Do not force or coerce individuals to alter their decisions/ choices
  • Upholding the ‘Informed Consent’ principle


  • All actions should aim to benefit/help others, prevent harm, and create a safe/ supportive environment
  • Advocate for and protect the rights of vulnerable populations


  • Do no harm

These ethical principles are to be respected by all JTC Staffing Solutions workers to help avoid the misuse or abuse of power in the relationship between caregiver and resident. Registered nurses and registered practical nurses may both abide by and defer to the Code of Ethics outlined by the College of Nurses of Ontario, in addition to the Residents’ Bill of Rights.

According to JTC Staffing Solutions’s Resident Neglect and Violence SOP, JTC Staffing Solutions Field workers accused of manipulating or harming residents in our long-term care homes would be prosecuted and the offending staff kept responsible to the statute, JTC Staffing Solutions progressive discipline, and the College of Nurses of Ontario.